Earth Day Conference SOS
One can marvel at the ingenuity of man, the engineer, the philosopher, the creator, a creature of insurmountable potential and shake your head at the structures of beliefs and limits mankind has set for...
One can marvel at the ingenuity of man, the engineer, the philosopher, the creator, a creature of insurmountable potential and shake your head at the structures of beliefs and limits mankind has set for...
This year we are asking our speakers to speak for 30 minutes on things they are grateful for and to create an intention of positive timeline which we all wish to manifest. We are also asking our viewing audience to submit 1 minute videos of the same intention to be played during the 3 day event.
Come Celebrate with us Humanity’s Great Awakening! While Exposing the Plandemic! Replay About this event Great Awakening Celebration: Exposing the Plandemic All Day Livestream Event: Saturday, October 1,...
The God That Rules The Earth How does one even begin to explain the complexity of what we are dealing with, a force which is intimately involved with us on a daily basis without us ever...
Dialogues Of Eternal Consciousness What exactly is a near death experience beyond the obvious of someone needing immediate medical attention? I have had the opportunity to interview many different NDE experiencers over the years since I...
This is very familiar if we go back to 911 the clean up and removal of evidence from the crime scene began immediately an obvious cover up.
For centuries now, cultures have understood the importance of the sun as the guardian of mankind, for without it, there would be no light, the crops won’t grow and there will be no vision....
See humanity is a very important race, more important than many ever know. We humans were once the teachers of all the other high civilizations now, that’s why they aren’t coming to help us...
People have been intrigued by the mystery of the pyramids ever since their rediscovery by modern Hu_man. Pyramids are found in almost every region around the world, some are step pyramids and some are...
A few weeks ago I was sent an email by one of my colleagues about The Guardians Of the Looking Glass and the videos which they had released. In short the video discusses timelines...