The Solar Messiahs
For centuries now, cultures have understood the importance of the sun as the guardian of mankind, for without it, there would be no light, the crops won’t grow and there will be no vision. As far as the 10,000 BC, history is abundant with carvings representing the respect for the sun. Because of such powers of the sun, cultures have called it as the ‘God Sun’, the giver of life and the savior of the humankind. Ironically, most of the cultures around the world have also created their own anthropomorphized versions of the sun, which we know today as the ‘Gods’. During the course of this essay, we will substantiate the claims.
The earliest representation of the sun as a mystic deity can be found in Egypt, by the name of ‘Horus’.
- Horus (Egypt, 3000 BC)
- Born of a virgin (Isis)
- Born on December 25th
- Star in the east
- Adored by 3 kings
- Prodigal teacher at 12
- Baptized at 30
- Had 12 Disciples and travelled throughout the world
- Performed miracles (healing the sick, walking on water etc.)
- A.k.a. “The Truth”, “The Light”, “The lamb of god”, “The good shepherd” etc
- Crucified
- Buried for 3 days
- Resurrected
These attributes of Horus, seem to have permeated many cultures and many other gods around the world are found to have the same general mythological structure.
- Attis (Greece, 1200 BC)
- Born of a virgin
- Born on 25th December
- Crucified
- Dead for 3 days
- Resurrected
- Krishna (India, 900 BC)
- Born of a virgin (Devaki, even though I strongly doubt how can she be a virgin on the time of the 9th childbirth!!)
- Star in the east
- Performed Miracles
- Resurrected
- Dionysus (Greece, 500 BC)
- Born of a virgin
- Born on 25th December
- Performed miracle (turned water into wine, no wonder people loved him!!)
- A.k.a. “Alpha and Omega”, “King of kings”
- Resurrected
- Mithra (Persia, 1200 BC)
- Born of a virgin
- Born on December 25th
- Performed miracles
- Had 12 disciples
- Buried for 3 days
- Resurrected
- A non-exhaustive list of gods with similar mythological structures will also include:
- Buddha
- Salivahan (Bermuda)
- Odin (Norse)
- Crite (Chaldea)
- Baal and Taut (Phoenecia)
- Indra (Tibet/India)
- Bali (Afghanistan)
- Jao (Nepal)
- Wittoba (Bilingonese)
- Thammuz (Syria)
- Atys (Phrygia)
- Xamolxis (Thrace)
- Adad (Assyria)
- Beddru (Japan)
- Thor (Gaul)
- Adonis (Greece)
- and many more.
These striking similarities make us question the mythological symbols, why the virgin birth, why December 25th and what is the deal with the 12 disciples.
Jesus Christ (Bethlehem, 30 BC)
Even though it might not seem so, but the birth sequence of “Born of a Virgin on December 25th with a Star in the East”, is completely astrological. The “Star in the east” happens to be Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. Sirius, on December 25th happens to align with 3 brightest stars in the Orion’s Belt. These 3 stars are called today, as they were called in the ancient times, “the 3 kings”. These stars, (3 in the Orion’s belt and Sirius, taken together) point to the point of sunrise on December 25th. Thus, the 3 kings ‘follow’ the star in the east, in order to locate, the sunrise, or the birth of the sun.
The virgin mother is the constellation Virgo, which is also known as “Virgo the Virgin”. Which in Latin, also refers to the “House of Bread”, ironically, Bethlehem, also refers to the House of Breads, thus, Bethlehem literally translates to a position in the constellation, rather than a place on earth.
From the perspective of the northern hemisphere (which is also a striking similarity, all of these gods belong to the northern hemisphere) December 22nd marks the day of the winter solstice, till this date, the sun moved constantly towards the south, making the days smaller and the nights longer. However, on December 22nd, the sun reaches its lowest position on the horizon and then stays there for 3 days (December 22-24) and starting December 25th, it starts its journey northwards, making the days longer and marking the beginning of spring. Also, for these 3 days, the sun is positioned near to a constellation known as the Southern Cross, or the crux. Thus, “the sun” died “at the cross”, was “buried” for “3 days” and thus, “resurrected”. It is actually the sun’s transition to the northern hemisphere bringing spring and thus, salvation. However, the resurrection of the sun is only celebrated on Easter, which marks the point of the spring equinox, hereafter, the days become longer, thus the darkness is overpowered and the revitalizing conditions of spring officially emerge.
The 12 disciples will now seem to be the most obvious astrological symbolism around the gods we have talked about till now. They simply represent the 12 constellations of the zodiac, which the gods, being the sun, travel about with. Also, the significance of the number 12 is striking throughout the mythological texts, specially the bible, for example, 12 sons of Jacob, 12 Judges of Israel, 12 princes of Israel, 12 great patriarchs etc.
The cross of the zodiac, the figurative life of the sun, is not just an artistic expression or tool to track the sun’s movement. It is also a pagan spiritual symbol, the short hand of which represents the pagan cross. This is the reason that Jesus, in early arts, was always shown with his head on the cross, as Jesus was the “Sun”, the “Son of God” and the “Light of the world”. This also explains the crown of thorns worn by Jesus, which is nothing but the sun rays, as depicted in any art form depicting the sun.
The mythological scriptures, specially the bible, have been riddled with the reference to the ‘ages’. Astronomically speaking, this is nothing but the phenomenon of the “Procession of the Equinox”. The Egyptians and the cultures before and after them were familiar with the fact that every 2150 years (approx.) the sunrise of the spring equinox (Easter) will happen on a different sign of the zodiac (zodiacs are nothing but a specific constellation which have been anthropomorphised to a phenomena which is found in nature around that point of time, Aquarius, or the water bearer, only symbolizes the melting of ice and the availability of fresh water and thus, signaling the inception of spring). The earth completes the entire cycle of moving through all the signs in 25,765 years, which is approx. 2150 years per sign, which the ancient cultures referred to as the “Era”. Just for information, we are currently in the era of the Pisces and around 2150 A.D. we will move onto the new era of the Aquarius. The bible refers to a symbolic movement of 3 sign while foreshadowing the 4th. In the Old Testament, when Moses received the 10 commandments and came down from Mount Sinai, he found his people worshipping a golden bull. He was visibly upset and instructs his men to kill each other to purify themselves (Go in and go out from gate to gate, and slay every man and his brother, every man and his companion, every man and his neighbor .. – Exodus 32). Most biblical scholars tribute this anger to the fact that the Israelites were worshipping a false idol, but astronomically, it was a representation to the age of “Taurus”, the bull, and Moses represented the new age of Aries, the Ram. This can be substantiated by the example that Jews’, still today, blow the Ram’s horn. Similar symbolisms are prevalent in other cultures as well, for example, Mithra (Persia) killing the bull.
Jesus, follows us into the new age of Pisces, or the fishes, thus we can see the fish symbolism in abundance in the New Testament. For example, Jesus feeds 5000 people with bread and two fish (We only have five loaves of bread and two fish – Matt 14:17). When Jesus begins his ministry and he was walking with Galilee, he befriended 2 fishermen. This can also be substantiated by the Jesus symbol we see today on the back of people’s cars. Little they know that it actually symbolizes a pagan astrological symbol of the sun’s kingdom during the age of Pisces.
When the disciples of Jesus ask him here the last Passover would be, he answers “Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water. Follow him into the house where he entereth in” (Luke 22:10). This scripture is one of the most revealing among all the astrological references. The “man bearing the pitcher of water is Aquarius, the water bearer, he represents the age after Pisces, and when the God Sun, leaves the age of Pisces, it will go into the house of Aquarius, as Aquarius follows Pisces in the Procession of the Equinox. All Jesus is saying here is that after the age of Pisces, will come the Age of Aquarius. This actually leads us to “End of the World” theory, apart from the cartoonish description provided in the Book of Revelation, the source of this idea comes from Matthew 28:20, where Jesus consoles his disciples saying “I will be with you even to the end of the world”. But, in the King James version, the word “world” is a mistranslation, among many. The actual word used was “Aeon”, which literally means “Age” or “Era”, which makes the statement as “I will be with you even to the end of the age”. Which is nothing but the fact that Jesus’s solar Piscean anthropomorphisation will end as the procession enters the age of Aquarius. Thus, rendering the entire concept of end of the times or end of the world as a misinterpreted astrological allegory. Someone please tell this to the billions of fanatics all over the world who believes that the end of the world is coming. Also, the character of Jesus being a literary and astrological hybrid, is the most explicit and plagiarized version of the Egyptian God Horus.
Sun, being the supreme among all the celestial bodies and by virtue of being visible to the ancient astronomers, was instantly assigned the position of the greatest among gods. It also became a symbol of the supreme authority and synonymous to the creator itself. From a philosophic standpoint, the principles of the sun have lead to the concept of the trinity, as we understand it today. The concept of the triune divine is not only a tenet of Christian or mosaic theologies only, but it forms an integral part of all religions. The Hindus, Persians, Babylonians all have their individual dogmas about the trinity. The origin of the trinity will become obvious to anyone observing the daily transgression of the sun. The solar orb, being the symbol of all possible light sources, has 3 very distinct phases, namely, rising, mid-day and setting. Taking a cue from this, the philosophers also divided the life-journey of all living things in 3 distinct phases, namely, birth, growth and decay. The time between the dawn and dusk represents the high-time, of glory, of prime. This phase is usually represented by the color yellow, radiant and magnificent. The creation is symbolized by the dawn. Interestingly, the father god is usually shown in the color blue, which is primarily because, the rising sun is covered in a veil of blue mist. The setting sun is represented in flaming red, before it settles into darkness. The Egyptians believed the sun to be a symbol of immortality, as it sets every day just to rise the next day to conquer the darkness.
Probably the only culture (or religion) which doesn’t acknowledge the power of the sun and doesn’t position it as their supreme deity, happens to be Islam, Qur’an doesn’t have any references to the sun and celestial objects having any sort of mystic symbolism or religious significance. Possibly due to the widespread practice of sun-worshipping among the pre-Islamic cults in Arabia, sun-worshipping is forbidden by the Muslim doctrine, Shariah. So, the rising and setting of the sun becomes just a daily astronomical routine incident.
The sun, has its own share of significance in the Hindu mythology as well, this is not only substantiated by the fact that sun is considered as one of the most kind and powerful gods among all and has his own temple, but because of the fact that the sun is the only deity who to whom the prayers need to be offered in a very specific style, the ‘suryanamaskar’. Also, according to both Hindu and Greek mythology, sun rides a chariot which is driven by seven horses. This number seven actually represents the constituent colors of light. What we know today as the primary colors, or the VIBGYOR.
The similarities are endless, but we can clearly see that no matter what religion we talk about, the sun plays a vital role in preserving life but also responsible for hale and hearty propagation of mankind. No wonder that Plato referred to the sun as a metaphor for ‘ultimate illumination’. In a more spiritual sense, sun is symbolized with the concept of the Soul. Similar to the sun, where we have only light, and nothing else, the soul, the nature of the true self, is also described to be pure and infinite. Like the sun, the soul is also full of love, joy, truth, peace and allness of good. For the sun, the only truth is the light, as the sun is the source of light; these qualities of the soul are the realities of our soul, of our being. Philosophers also believed in the existence of three suns in every universe, which is analogous to the dogma of three centers of life. These are, namely, the spiritual sun, the intellectual/solar sun and the material sun. in freemasonic cults, these are represented by lighting of three candles. The spiritual sun manifests power, the solar sun radiates life and the material sun is considered to the vehicle for manifesting the Holy Spirit.