Great Awakening Celebration Exposing The Plandemic
Come Celebrate with us Humanity’s Great Awakening! While Exposing the Plandemic!
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Great Awakening Celebration: Exposing the Plandemic
All Day Livestream Event: Saturday, October 1, 2022, 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM PDT
Come Celebrate with us Humanity’s Great Awakening! Featured guest speakers are David Icke, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Sacha Stone, G. Edward Griffin and Brad Olsen. There will be Q&A sessions, videos, music, and Plandemic 3 Prelaunch Party & Trailer. This will be a True Celebration you do not want to miss! Hosted by Awake 2 Oneness Radio and Watchers Talk. Register for FREE Livestream Online Event!
Guests Speakers:
David Icke is the International Speaker and Author of many best-selling books. David takes on this news of the week and puts it into context, 30 years of research has led David to the top of the independent research of what is going on in the World.
Dr. Judy Mikovits is a world-renowned PhD Biomedical Research Scientist and Best Selling Author. She was featured in the first Plandemic film, exposing the corruption, which has been seen by over one Billion people worldwide, setting a historic record.
Sacha Stone is founder of the World Health Sovereignty Summit with many of the world’s leading advocates in the Truth and Freedom Movement such as Robert Kennedy Jr., Del Bigtree, G. Edward Griffin, and Dr David Martin.
G. Edward Griffin is the Author of Creature from Jekyll Island, Founder of Freedom Force, Founder of Red Pill University and creator of the Red Pill Expo. He has been trying to wake everyone up since the 1960’s.
Brad Olsen is an award-winning author, publisher and producer. He gained notoriety in February 2010 with his travel guide Sacred Places North America; other books including Future Esoteric: The Unseen Realms and Pinnacle Book Awards in “New Age.”